About EYFS
- In Iona we follow the EYFS document which combines the early years and the foundation stage, creating a national curriculum for the under 5’s.
- Through specially chosen topics we plan for the 7 areas of learning. The 3 Prime areas of Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language are our foundations upon which we build further learning through the 4 specific areas. The 4 specific areas are, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and design.
- All 7 areas of learning are reflected both indoors and outdoors, so no matter where the children are exploring they will be learning.
Thank you for all your support.
Our class teachers are Mrs Wilby and Mrs Tomlinson
Spring 2023
Our current RE topic is ‘Growing‘. During this topic the children will explore and talk about their own experience of ‘growing’ and how they feel about growing. During our Explore week they will have the opportunities to recognise growth in nature and discover ways in which things grow through a range of activities. We will be growing our own grass heads as well as conducting experiments on beans to see what plants need to help them grow. We will look at the lifecycles of animals and match animals to their young. We will visit the pond area to have a look at the frogspawn and frogs, doing this throughout the topic to see how they change and grow. We will also explore the school grounds to look for signs of new life in nature, completing our ‘growing’ booklet, showing what we have discovered throughout the week. They will recognise that Spring is a time when things begin grow. By doing this it will support them in thinking about the ways in which they can grow in love to be more like Jesus during our Reveal weeks.
Throughout our Reveal weeks, the children will learn about Lent and recognise it as a time to grow more like Jesus as well as learn about Good Friday and getting ready to celebrate Easter. They will look at ways in which they themselves and others can grow in goodness, kindness, helpfulness and love. Recognising how they grow ‘inside’ to become more like Jesus, working with the scripture John 13: 34-35 ‘I love you and want you to love one another’
The children will have opportunities to recognise the story of Good Friday and Easter Sunday, through role-play and interactive stories as well as watch our Yr 3 & 4 production E-A-S-T-E-R. We will create an Easter garden in small groups to show what happened on Easter Sunday. By the end of the topic the children will recognise that Christians try to ‘grow’ more like Jesus’ particularly during Lent.
Autumn 2022
Our current R.E topic is ‘Myself’. During this topic the children will explore and develop an understanding of first and family names. We will be talking about how everyone has a name and that we are called by these names. We will focus on recognising our own names and making name cards to use within our classroom.
During our Reveal section we will be looking at how God knows and loves everyone of us and how God knows each persons name. The children will be able to talk about and experience how God knows each of them and how he loves them. They will be able to express who is precious to them and how God loves and protects those people too. We will look at how God loves and cares for everyone through prayers and quiet reflection.
Our next R.E topic is ‘Welcome‘. During this topic the children will explore and talk about their experience of welcoming people and being welcomed in our homes and school community. We will make welcome displays to help people feel welcomed when they enter our class.
During our Reveal weeks we will look at how a new baby is welcomed in our church family and how we ourselves were welcomed, looking at pictures and discussing with our family and friends about our own Baptism. The children will have a chance to explore artefacts linked to Baptism, act out Baptisms with each other using class dolls and dressing up, learn new songs and talk about the love and joy a new baby brings to a family. By the end of the topic the children will recognise some religious signs and symbols used in baptism and some religious words and phrases from the rite.
To enhance your child’s learning experience in RE.
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