
Curriculum Rationale

At St Elizabeth’s Catholic Voluntary Academy, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural and physical development of all our pupils and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences for adult life.

We are currently developing our curriculum intent and progression for each subject. Our new curriculum is built around the principle that learning is an alteration in the long-term memory. Therefore, making progress means ‘Knowing More and Remembering More’.

Each curriculum subject used ‘Curriculum Themes’ to allow pupils to tie together subject topics into a meaningful schema. The same concepts are explored in a wide breadth of topics. Through diagonal revisits of themes, pupils return to the same concepts over and over, and gradually build deeper understanding of them.

At St Elizabeth’s, we are also developing ‘Golden Threads’, these are the specific areas of study that are woven through each curriculum area. They appear in each topic to help pupils relate each topic to previously studied topics in order form a strong and meaningful schema.

For each of the Curriculum Themes, learning is planned by year group. This includes the key procedural knowledge and Golden Threads in each topic, giving pupils a way of expressing their understanding of the Curriculum Themes.

Within each year group, pupils gradually progress through three cognitive domains: Remembering, Knowing and Reasoning. The aim for pupils is to display sustained mastery at the ‘Knowing’ stage of understanding by the end of each phase (Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2, Upper Key Stage 2) and for the most able pupils to have a greater depth understanding at the ‘Reasoning’ stage.

To see our Curriculum Maps and Intent for each subject, please click on the icons below.

To find out more about our curriculum please see our class newsletters or contact the school via email